Archive | August 2011

Who sucks less?

When I signed up for the newspaper (Sunday only for the coupons 🙂 ), they gave us a pass for two free tickets to a Rockies game; for select games, of course.  Two of the games were against the Astros.   Now, I haven’t been a huge Astros fan for years, but they are probably my number three team.  And, being from Texas, I’d definitely like to see a Texas team win play.

Continue reading

Workin’ for the Weekend

I totally understand this “mantra” now!  I was soooo sleepy today and unfortunately, the getting up at 6:30 every morning is getting to me. 😦  I slept in until a whopping 8am this morning… Boo!!  Luckily, today was a GREAT day to be up early!!

What am I typing this post on right now? Our brand new HP TouchPad!  Since HP is no longer going to be making the TouchPad, they decided to do a fire sale starting today… The 16 gig for $99.99 and the 32 gig for $149.99!  Luckily, I was looking around on the internet before I went to bed last night and happened to see it.  HP was selling them at this price on their website, as were other retailers.  Since I was up so early anyway, I decided to go see if I could get one.  A Walmart, 2 Office Depots and two phone calls later, I had a 32 gig TouchPad in my hands. Continue reading

Lots to Learn

I have now survived my second day at work and my co-workers ask how I like it so far.  Well, it’s overwhelming, but fun.  There is so much to learn right now!  Especially since I’m not actually licensed as an attorney yet, I have to learn what the assistants do as well as what I’ll do when I am licensed and I become a full-on Associate.  Due to the IRS requirements, people that are not Enrolled Agents or Attorneys are only allowed to get so much information from them about the client.  The company deals mostly with small businesses that are in tax debt, but also some individuals.  I got to do my first phone call yesterday into the IRS and I was INCREDIBLY nervous because of how strict they are about everything, but I survived. 😉 Continue reading

What happened to “Sunday Best”?!

For the first time in, well, far too long, I went to church this morning.  Since this was a new church, I dressed down just a little in case this was a more casual church; meaning a somewhat casual dress, cardigan and wedge sandals.  Now, I’m Catholic and I believe that due to the more traditional nature of Catholic churches, dress should match and be the more traditional “Sunday best”.  Even in my slightly dressed down Sunday best, I felt almost over dressed.  I saw guys in shorts, t-shirts and flip flops, and I was one of the few women actually wearing a dress.  There are many other more casual churches that would be a more appropriate place for these people who don’t feel like it’s important to get up on a Sunday morning and get dressed up for God.

When did jeans become acceptable church attire?  What about cargo shorts and flip flops?!  I understand that the weekend is a relaxing time for most people to be able to dress down from their normal work attire.  However, for an hour on Sunday morning, I think you still need to dress up for church, for God.  Maybe I’m just becoming a grumpy old lady, who knows.  When you walk into your house of worship, in whatever form it may be, I think you should be wearing something more special than your every day blah.  I will give it to a good portion of the men, most were in slacks or khakis and a button down shirt… and then there was the guy in the cargo shorts, sandals and a sleeveless jersey-looking shirt.

Alright, I’ll get down off my soapbox now.

On a side note, I just picked up the book for the “Girly Book Club” I joined, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon.  I can’t wait to start reading it and go to the first book club meeting on the 30th!

Edit: Forgot to add this in: I got almost nothing out of church today… ugh.  Apparently I sat in the loud children/bad parents section of church today.  Since when did people lose their manners and think it is okay to just sit in church while their children talk loudly or scream throughout the entire mass.  Priests/pastors/ministers/whoever wear microphones for a reason.  There are normally cry rooms or you can hear everything from the lobby.  Please take your loud child out and calm them down so that the rest of us can hear and enjoy the mass.  Okay, now I’m REALLY down off my soapbox.

Saw… Mike’s legs off?!?

(Sorry LSU fans, it’s the only SEC mascot’s name I know.)

Fightin' Texas Aggie Band

“Saw Varsity’s horns off…”

These words are an integral part of Texas A&M’s War Hymn (aka fight song; see below) and yet now, it looks like they’ll be useless.  With the exception of six seasons, Texas A&M has played Texas in football every year since 1894!  We have been in the Big 12 since it’s inception and have one of the longest running rivalries in college football.  And now we seem to be throwing that all away.  For what?!  Possibly some better recruits, more money, more tv time?!  Great, let the entire country see us get crushed by teams that we are not good enough to compete with.  The Big 12 is a good conference and we couldn’t win there, so let’s put ourselves in an even better conference and throw away all hopes for a winning season, great, thanks. Continue reading